Minggu, 18 Oktober 2009

Grade 6 Retreat

At Wednesdat, we went to Lembah Hijau in our spritual retreat and that we stayed there for three days and then we came back. We do many things through out the retreat, we had many fun activities such as hiking and also doing the sport activities. For me I like doing the hiking but I don't really like swimming in the first day because, when you go in to the pool, it is so cold that I could fell my body starting to froze. But I also like doing the fishing but too bad that I didn't caught any fish. We also do the talent show and I do a drama about "how to be polite to you teacher" and it was fun but for me, the suprising moment is seeing my teacher, Mr.P dance because it was the first time for me to see my teacher dancing. We also had the Bonfire ( is not the real fire due to the rain and we had to use a look-like bonfire) and during that time, we had to write the bad things that influence our life and after that, the teacher burn it in a real fire

During this reatreat, I also learnt many things through out this retreat especially the messages that Mr.Rob told us about hope. Hope turns out to have diffrent meaning in each letter like for "H" it stands for help, "O" stands for Obey and other letters had other meanings. I learnt that we had to obey and do what God said in the bible rather reading but not obeying it and that I also leant that God uses people that is not always be perfect but those people follow his ways. I also learnt that we should use our talents to worship God like for example Eric Lidell who worship God by running for God and also do other sports because he enjoyed sport.

During this retreat, I also influenced people like Josan, William and also Vincent and I influence them by talking to them but also play card with some of them like Josan and William and for me, it was great to influence with these people in a positive way.

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

Week 2, Unit 2 Reflection

I felt releaved at the end of this week for the fact that we had been working hard on our movie makers. What is the movie makers? Well I will tell you what is our movie maker, the movie maker is a project that we had to do based upon energy and that is renewable and non renewable energy. The project was to make a movie and play it on Friday (well some have to do it on Monday like me but those from 6B who already show the movie during Friday don't fell ofended). After some of the students show their movies, I realized that mine was not so good so during this week end, I will make sure that my movie maker is better (I think is bad not because it is bad okay).