Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Unit 3 How we organize ourself

Hi world, I will talk about my unit that we are starting and doing. In this unit, we discuss about human right and also social justice. Human rights are right that each human should have like our shelter, food, clothing and other daily need are provided because we were provided by our family generation but what about the street childerns? how about the peoples who lives on the slumps? They were born poor and had to fight for their lives and so organizations like KDM and also YCAB help these people and tried to rebuild their lives. Social justice also refers to human right but social justice is refering to the structure of the country and that without social justice, the country's justice system would not be organized and every thing would go wron. In this unit, our task was to build an organization and my groups organization is called International Alliance.Our organization helps in preventing child soldier to happen and we design our own vision and mission. At first it was hard but we manage to do it in a short time. In this unit I also design my own 3 lines of inquiry which is a question that I would answer by the end of this unit and here are my 3 lines of inquiry
  1. Why is it important for a country to have social justice
  2. How can they prevent the increase of human right issues
  3. What would happen if there are no organizations that help people on the slum areas

Well thank you for reading this update about my unit I hope that you can read my next updated blog, thank you for reading