Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

2010 BE statement

Hello world this is a brand new year of 2010 in our class we have an activity which is called 2010 BE statement. The BE statement is like dream on who you want to be but instead of your future, it talks about what you want to be this year. My BE statement is to be more responsible and to have more faith in God and I chose this goal for many reasons. The reason I choose to be more responsible is that sometime, I like o be irresponsible and that the bad thing about being irresponsible is that you canot organize well and you cannot do time managment well so it is important that I be responsible so that I can do my time management well and so that I can finnish work on time. Also, the reason I choose to have more faith in God is so that I can have a closer relationship with Him so that I can learn more and more about God. The bible verse that helps me to remember to do these things is taken from James 2: 26 which says: As the body without the spirit is dead so faith without deeds is dead