Minggu, 06 September 2009

The Remembering

One day, there was a boy named John. John had been suffering a heart disease for ten years and eventhough he suffered the heart disease, he still go to school and learn more so that he could reach his dream as an abassador.

During his school independence day, his heart disease got worse and worse and when he was about to muster, he got a heart attack and died. After seing John died, Mark his best fiend was lament seing John and after a while he start remembering things about John. John was boy who was energetic and hoping to learn many new material at school so that he could be a ambassador. Even though many homework and projects and other hardships that the student had to face, John did it well and suceeded doing it. After few years of learning, John had many perseverance almost through out the subjects and because of his perseverance, the school principal told him to join a drama and played as the main character. The name of the drama was "what kind of geographical place is this!" and the drama tells a story about a boy who went to diffrent places in the world and confused which each cities.

Then after that drama, his condition got worse until he got the heart attack and died. After a few days later, Mark attended the burial and after a while he looked at the tombstone and said, " Through out this time I was glad that you became my friend eventhough you didn't tell me that you had a hard disease" and after saying it Mark walked away.

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