Rabu, 09 September 2009

UOI Reflection

During the past six weeks, we have been doing many different activities like brainstorming the influences in our life. At first we only brainstorm by our self then we organize it into four separate tables that organize which influence should go in there. Not only we discussed our influences but we also watch “Bill Nye the science guy” about Cells during our class time. Not only we watch Bill Nye the science guy but we also do the “Why am I like my relative?” worksheet that has to be done based on our knowledge that we learn about the human body in the past few weeks. We did a web quest to search about cells from the animal cell and the plant cells. Then after a while we also have to make edible cell representation to represent the animal or the plant cell. I took the animal cell and there were pretty easy to make but I wasted many edible materials especially rice.

In those past six weeks, I also learnt many new things about myself and about God. The things I learnt about myself are that my body is made of billions of cells and each of the cells has many different purposes to keep my body alive. Each Cell has a nucleus which keeps the information about my genes and about my DNA. Not only learning about my body made of cells surprised me but I was also formed from an egg that is from my mom. At first, I thought that the mom can get pregnant without doing anything and after a while, I realized that the egg must combine with the sperm before it changes into and embryo. Not only I learnt about that but human, animal, plant cells are all different and that each one has unique organelle that is required to keep them alive. For example, if a plants Vacuole which is and organelle that keeps the water storage ran out of water, the plant would wilt and apparently dies. Human, Animal, Plant cells had different organelles because of these organelle was put into wrong cells it could be wrong for example, if a animal cell had a vacuole, the animal must keeps on drinking and if the vacuole tank is dried maybe the animal would die. The things I learnt about God is that he made us wonderfully with His own hands and that God made the human in his own image. Not only I learnt about that but each and every human is different and even though twins looks the same, both of them still different. If the world have the same face, same talent and same thinking the world would be boring. People think that when they were born disabled that God had mistake during the creation but they were wrong, God made us so that we would be perfect and even though some people were disabled they still can do the purposes that God wanted them to do.

I enjoyed many things throughout the last six weeks and I will tell you what I enjoyed. I enjoyed learning new information because information makes me learn new knowledge and that the knowledge can make me learn new and interesting things. Throughout the past six weeks I learnt about why our body change does and how do it grow and that I realize that each year we grow taller and bigger and that our face also changes as times goes by. We cannot fell the transformation of our body as we grown older, but no matter you like it or not your body as times goes by. Not only I had enjoyed learning new informations but I also enjoyed listening and looking at interesting facts. One of the things that was interesting for me is our cells, our cell are different than any other animal and plant cell but even though our cells looks the same, the DNA information is different. Each DNA is different because it was passed down from your family generation and that the DNA had 8 trillion combinations just to make you yourself. Not only I learnt that each cells have different DNA but I also learnt new facts about sperms, sperms only reason to live is to form you and that I learnt that when it goes into your moms Vagina, the sperm would race each other to get into the egg and if a sperm already gone into the egg, the rest of the sperms would die.
Not only I learnt and enjoy many new things but there were some challenging parts that I had to face. At first, when I had a problem I would be confused but even though I got confused I still have to do my work so I came up with a strategy. If I got confused, the first thing that I do is that I try to work the homework first and if I can’t do it I first try to call my friend. If the friend also confused what to do, I would search the internet and find the definition or at least try remembering the things Mr.P told us. If I’m out of option then I would e-mail to Mr.P and ask him what to do. For the next unit, I want to improve some of the things that I did wrong such as time management skill and listening skill. For time management skill, I want to improve organizing my time because some time I thought that the work is still due in a long time and sometime when the project was nearly due, I would work on it and it becomes a late minute work which is bad for me. I would also try to make game plans and make sure that I make my own deadline and make sure that I also hand in the work on time so that I would prevent last minute works. I also have to make sure that I have to hand in work on time so that I don’t disappoint the teacher and that so that I had good marks. Not only have I had to improve on my time management skill but also my listening skills. For listening skill, sometime I didn’t pay attention and got confused on doing the project and it could make me hard to make the project. So I want to make sure by the next unit so that I would understand the task clearly so that I can do the project. Not only listening well needs to be improved but listening to instruction clearly is important, if I know what to do for the project but don’t know how to write the format of the project, it would be difficult for me to do it so by the next unit I want to make sure that I have to listen to instruction clearly so that I won’t make huge mistakes like my oral presentation for a example.

Many times we should be strong in one IB profile and PYP attitudes and every people had the same one but I would tell you what I’m strong at. At the PYP attitudes, I am strong in Independence and Appreciation because there were the two attitudes that I have been working on so far. Independence make sure that I could do it alone and that I understand the project well. For appreciation, it makes sure that I appreciates other peoples work and also my own work by pledging that the work was good. For my IB profile, I was strong at Thinkers and knowledgeable and I will tell you the reason why. One of my profile which is thinkers was strong is that because I like to think a lot and it sound strange but I like to think about new ideas on how to improve my work or how to do my work. I was also strong at knowledgeable because if I know I have to do some works, I should be knowledgeable on what I’m doing because I would know what to write and that what I wrote should be appropriate for my task. I will make sure that I would improve some of my mistakes and learn new attitudes and profile as times goes by in grade six.

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