Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Edible Cell

At school, we were given a task to make a edible animal cell or plant cells. I picked animal cell and I will tell you what are the things that you see in the picture and I will tell you what each things represent.The big egg yolk is representing what is called the nucleus. The nucleus contains genetic information about us and the place where they replicate DNA.The rice that you see on bellow each foods is the cell membrane that keeps the cell in one place and it is the entry and the exit of the nutrients. The egg white that you see represent the peroxisome, persoxisome are organelle that are made from nutrients and oxygen and peroxisome uses oxygen to generate water. The chicken nugget that you see on the top of the yolk represents the golgi aparatus. Golgi aparatus is an organelle that responsible for the waste of the waste product that are found in the cell. the noodles that are near the yolks are represent the mitochondria, the mitochondria is responsible for the cell energy metabolism. The brown smooth thing that you see like a poridge is a food called regal, regal are biscuits that when you add water too it it can bee smooth and if you are wondering what does the hard biscuit look like please look to the right of the yolk. That is the first stage of the biscuit before it was add by water and was mashed. The regals represents the endoplasmic recticulum, the smooth endoplasmic recticulum ( which is the regal that looks like a poridge) is a organelle that transport liquid and and nutrient to the cell. The rough endoplasmic recticulum ( the biscuit regal) is an organelle that has a large amount ribsomes in its surface and the rough endoplasmic recticulum transport proteins through out the cell. So, what you see on the picture and the descriptions of each part of the cell represents the animal cell so thankyou for reading.

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