Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

English Reading Log Summary: Eragon week 5

Eragon was left alone in his room and when he woke up there was a note. The note says that Brom will come late and that there are some money for Eragon to but food but Eragon has to stay unnoticed. At first, Eragon was elated that he could explore the city so after reading the note, Eragon clean his room then grab the coin that Brom gave him. After that, Eragon went to the streets and tried to find an intresting things to do on the street but he find none. Then he became hungry and brought a bread and some cheese. Then he went to an auction and there the auctioner brought the first item which is a boy slave. Then the auctioneer tells about the boy and the crowd laughed. At first Eragon was angry like a sea raging and ready to crash to a city because of seeing the slave that was about to be sold. But eventhough he was filled with anger and ready to use magic at the auctioneer, he calms himself as though a wind blew all his anger.

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