Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Oral Presentation

Hello world and I will tell you how influences affected my life.Through out time, there are things that have influenced our life. Many are minor impacts some are major. Have you experienced a minor impact that has happened in your life? Well more minor influences are experienced rather than the major ones. Everybody would have experienced an impact. Well today I would tell you three influences that impact my life. God, television and music has been and influence that change my life.

God has been my influence throughout my life. God has been a positive influence to me by telling me to do positive actions and sometime if I have a problem, I like to pray to God for solution in my heart. God influences me in many different ways, one of the ways is through my thoughts. God makes sure that even though sometimes the person beside me could be annoying like a storm of questions in a sunny day, God tells me to stay calm and try to ignore that person. Thoughts are a part of what God influence me but actions is also another influence. God tells me if I’m about to do an action if it could affect other people in a positive way and if I think the action is negative I would think my action out again. If I think of a positive way, I would stick with it but a negative thought came out I usually I think of a new positive solution. We rely on God to guide us to the right track every time but, sometime if you rely too much, it could change from positive influence to negative influence because if you rely on God all the time you started to be lazy. And as time goes by, I think the best solution is try to do the work yourself first then if you can’t do it then start to rely on God.
On the other hand, television has been influencing me in a negative way and I will tell you why is television has been a negative impact. Television is a negative influence to me by making me watch all day which cause me to forget to do my homework. Television has influence me in a negative way one of the way is that once I turn on the television and watch it, sometime it made me to watch all day.Television addicts me to watch all the time so the longer I watch the less time I have for my homework. When I had less time I have for my homework sometime I could feel I want to rush it. Not only watching all day influence me making me forget to do my homework is another negative influence. Television sometime make me forget everything like if you have a school project, once you bring it home and watch television you will just forget instantly about your homework and the next day you don’t have it handed in. If you still have a habit to watch television too long, I recommend that you try to remember to do your homework or at least prioritize your homework. Well now I will tell you how does music influence my life.

Music has been a positive influence on me and I will tell you why. Music has a positive impact to me because depending on what I hear it could make me relaxed or energetic. Music has influence me in a positive way. One of the ways is that listening to music that is calm make me relaxed during tough situations. Listening to music that is slow but good music usually make me feel relaxed but sometime if I listen to calm music for too long, it made me focus on doing my homework. Listening to music not only it make me relaxed; usually my brother plays music at night before we sleep. Playing music at night when we are about to sleep used to make me go to sleep easier, sometime music could drive me crazy because of the volume. Not only so, music can be positive influence. In fact, sometime it could be a negative influence because depending on what music you hear, if it sometime has foul language in it, I don’t think it’s good for you and especially the volume of the music. If you set it so loud it could hurt your ear and it could make you half deaf.

There are many influences that I expereience through out my life but God, Television and Music influence me the most. Everybody has a influence in their life that are positive and negative and if you want to be positive you would try to take the hardship to try to prevent the negative influence from happening. Now I would tell you that you don’t depend only at your influence all the time but influences can be changed and it can be a habit. Try to understand that not only influences affect your life right now it will also affect your future well if you want to see a good future try to have a good influence all the time.

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