Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Library Biography project: Vincent Van Gogh

during the past few weeks, we were given an assiment to read about a biography about famous artist and I will share to you a little bit what I know about Vincent Van Gogh. Vincent Van Gogh born in March 30 1853 and the name came from his older brother name Wilhem Vincent Van Gogh which passed away after birth.Vincent had a younger brother named Theo Van Gogh and also a sister. During that time, Vincent was a hard working boy and when he had a free time, he would collect bird nest and insects and sometime Vincent like to play around with his little sister. Usually when Vincent passed the church and saw his older brother's Vincent tombstone and usually when Vincent saw the tombstone he felt as he was dead. In the old times, Vincent went to Arles and lived there for college. In that time, Vincent had a roomate and stayed in the same room. One day because Vincent had a fight with his roomate, his roomate moved away from the apartment and after a few days later, he cut his own ear as a oath and after a few days later he drew a painting of himself. Vincent Van Gogh made many paintings and many of his painting got famous. One of the painting was 'The Starry Night' and there are many other painting such as 'Vase with sunflower and 'Road with Cypress and Stars' are also his famous paintings. In that time people was not intrested at his paintings. His last painting was 'Wheatfield with Crows' that express his emotions and after that last painting, Vincent end his life by tragedy which he commited suicide. Vincent Van Gogh made me relieze that even though there are things that made you fell as you have failed you cannot give up until you achive something. But even though vincent gave up too soon, you don't have to follow what Vincent do but once you achive something keep doing it until you achive more. For me, it gave me an inspiration that even though there are hardships I have to face, I still have to go through it and achive the hope.

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